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Share to win: Photo Competition

Sep 06 2022

2023 Calendar Winners

Each year we create a Clyde Marine Recruitment calendar which is distributed around our offices across the UK, Poland and Latvia, as well as to our clients across the world. 

This year we would like YOU to be part of the 2023 Calendar, in previous months you have sent us some incredible photos from life at sea and we would love to share these far and wide! So we’re looking for photo submissions for the 2023 calendar, send us your pictures to be entered into the competition. We have 13 x £20 Amazon Gift Vouchers to be won by those who are selected by our judging panel. 

Black and White | Life at Sea | Vessels | From a Distance | Wildlife | Shoreside
If you would like to send us a photo to be reviewed by the judges please click here and attach your photos nd be sure to include the following information:

Image location:
Vessel (if applicable):
Any other information:
Photographer to be credited:
Contact Number:
Any other information:
Permission to share across our blogs and socials:

Photos should be between 1MB – 5MB, preferably with resolution of 300dpi, the closing date for submissions 26th September.  Read the full competition
T’s and C’s here.